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SGA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When was the school established?Spanish Grove Academy was established in 2009
Do you have to speak Spanish to attend?No, Spanish is not a requirement for admission. About 60-70% of our families are native English speakers. Spanish Grove Academy is the perfect start to your child's education in Spanish!
What is the average class size and total enrollment?The average class size is 14-16 students with a total student body of approximately 130 students.
What is the goal of the admissions process?At Spanish Grove Academy we take this process very seriously. Our goal is provide each applicant family the opportunity to learn as much as they can about the school and find the proper match between student and classroom. We like to think we provide an opportunity for all of our students to thrive while offering our families the best experience possible.
What admissions tests are required?Students are tested for cognitive and grade level competencies for ages Pre-K2 and above.
Is there an application deadline?Since our classrooms are limited, we do encourage early submission of applications. With that being said, we do offer rolling admissions throughout the entire year, where space is available. If a program is full, you may complete the application steps in order to be placed on the wait list until space becomes available. Our families who began their experience at SGA on the wait list and have since graduated from the program will tell you, it is worth the wait!
What are the school hours?The school is open Monday - Friday 7a - 6p. Most classes begin their academic day at 8:00am and end between 2:15p and 2:30p. After care program is conducted from 2:30p - 6:00p
Do students wear uniforms?Yes, we have partnered with LandsEnd to provide our families a high quality uniform option. Visit our school store to view designs and options. All purchases are made through LandsEnd direct with no benefit to the school except to offer the uniform option.
Do you offer a part time Early Childhood program?We have found that a consistent academic program for children provides the very best result. Families who enroll in SGA are looking for the highest quality program which will provide the best start to their child's academic future. With this in mind, we do not offer "part time", but instead our academic days are Monday - Friday with a dismissal of 2:30p unless you elect to participate in after care which is available until 6:00p.
Where are Spanish Grove Academy teachers from?We have a diverse Faculty and Staff! Our teachers come from around the globe including Spain, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico to name a few.
Does SGA conduct background checks on faculty and staff?Yes, all faculty, staff and volunteers (including parent volunteers) must complete a series a background checks including the Department of Public Safety criminal history database, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Central Registry abuse/neglect history database, the Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history database and an FBI fingerprint-based criminal history check. These checks are reissued annually.
What requirements are in place to be an SGA teacher?All of our lead teachers (including in the Early Preschool program for 2-3 years) have a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Our Kindergarten and higher are required to have a teacher's certification. We pride ourselves on having an amazing team of teachers and assistant teachers. With nearly 30 staff members from our Leadership team to our part time afternoon assistant teachers, there are very few members of our SGA team who have not yet achieved their bachelors or masters degree. In addition to a formal education, our teachers participate in ongoing professional development. Teachers particpate in monthly trainings as well as 2 annual Teacher In-Service Days (or professional development).
Do you offer bus transportation?Outside of school field trips, we utilize our bus for after school pick up to elementary schools in our area including Stone Oak & Vineyard Ranch Elementary. For this program we provide after school homework help and tutoring. For an updated list of schools we pick up from, contact admissions at 210.390.1470 or
Do you offer a summer program?Yes! Enrollment for Summer begins April 1st for ages 3 years - Elementary
What requirements must I meet after enrollment?As required by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) each student must have: Health Care Statement (annual physical) - A written statement signed by your health-care professional who has examined your child, indicating he/she is able to take part in the program. Download a copy of the Health Care Statement Vision & Hearing - Children ages 4 years or older must be screened for vision and hearing. Immunization Record - must meet and continue to meet requirements specified by the Texas Department of State Health Services unless your child is exempt or excepted from an immunization, and the exemption or exception is verified by a valid affidavit.
Do you offer breakfast and lunch?Yes! A nutritious breakfast will be served daily to students who participate in "Breakfast Club" beginning at 7:15am until 7:45am. By 8:00am, all classrooms will begin transitioning into activities and instruction. If you plan to arrive at or after 7:45am, please make arrangements for breakfast. Lunch is included for all students and exclusively by SGA. Families may not provide meals or snacks except for children who require a special diet due to religious / cultural values OR due to allergy, food intolerance or health restrictions (health care provider or dietitian document required). Menus are always posted in the Lobby and on the Classroom Parent Board.
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